Pediatric Course of Biodynamics
the School of Traditional Osteopathy
” The Breath of Life “James Jealous D.O.(USA)
3-years education (3 seminars per year)
the first seminar: 2016
The Pediatric Course of Biodynamics created, аs a part of this goal to preserve traditions of Osteopathy in the form has founded it by Dr. Andrew T. Still and handed it to his next of student. We asked our teacher, mentor and founder of the School of Traditional Osteopathy ” The Breath of Life ” James Jealous (DO, USA)for support in the organization of the Pediatric course of Biodynamics at Ukraine for training on the program of the course in order to provide osteopathic assistance for maximum patients.
This course is taught already in some European countries (Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain) and has high effective in training specialists and patient treatment.
Professors: сertified teaching of international level from the school of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life” James Jealous (USA) with great practical and teaching experience in Traditional Osteopathy (Biodynamics).
The mission statement of the course: intensive training and development the skills of the Biodynamics in the clinic by the guidance of teachers of the James Jealous school.
Pediatrics course of Biodynamics
1234was created by James Jealous (DO) in such unique way when specialists are without much experience in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, can study and can begin to safely and effectively treat the most common of childhood conditions.
The curriculum of the program is very intense. This curriculum is not about the bones, it does not involve direct or indirect action and is a very intense curriculum that begins with the whole child as an initial sensory experience and continues through multiple phases towards the capacity to use direct action when and if needed. The principles of the Direction of Ease used in the work of Biodynamics.
For whom is this course: this course is designed for specialists – osteopaths, doctors with various specialties, dentists, medical students beginning of the 4-5-year medical education.
Pediatrics Course of Biodynamics
Professors of the first seminar:
Angela Schleupen & Charlie Riedl
Angela Schleupen D.O., M.Sc
(Bavaria, Germany)
The member of professor-teaching staff the school of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life” James Jealous (USA)
The founder of the Bavarian Pediatric school and clinic of Traditional Osteopathy (Bavaria, Germany)
Education: Master of Science; Naturopathy; Osteopathy and Pediatric osteopathy;
Teaching activity: International teacher of the School of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life» James Jealous DO (USA)
Training programs by different topics of Osteopathy for the University of Wales and Dresden, as well as in cooperation with the osteopathic schools in Germany in Hamburg, Munich, Berlin and Milan;
Lectures and presentations in Amsterdam, Davos, Hong Kong, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, London, Madeira, etc.
Publishing: scientific papers and publications by various topics of medicine;
Charlie Riedl D.O., M.Sc
(Bavaria, Germany)
The member of professor-teaching staff the school of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life” James Jealous (USA)
The founder of the Bavarian Pediatric school and clinic of Traditional Osteopathy (Bavaria, Germany)
Education: Master of Science; the study of Physiotherapy; Sports physiotherapy; Traditional Chinese medicine; Osteopathy and Pediatric osteopathy.
Teaching activity: International teacher of the School of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life» James Jealous DO (USA)
Training programs by different topics of Osteopathy for the University of Wales and Dresden, as well as in cooperation with the osteopathic schools in Germany in Hamburg, Munich, Berlin and Milan;
Lectures and presentations in Amsterdam, Davos, Hong Kong, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, London, Madeira, etc.
Publishing: scientific papers and publications by various topics of medicine;
The content of the first seminar:
1. Biodynamics – where is it from ?
2. Fluid Dynamics
3. The Osteopathic Treatment of Children
4. The Prenatal Pelvis and the Passage Way
5. Fetal Malposition
6. Wholeness
What will you get after having passed this course:
1. Unique knowledge of the bearers of traditions of Osteopathy the internationally recognized school of Osteopathy James Jealous “Breath of Life”, which is a direct follower of William G.Saterlend and Rollin E.Bekker. The professors of the course – international level experts in the field of Osteopathy and Biodynamics;
2. The Diploma of world famous school “The Breath of Life” of James Jealous – a leading school in the field of Traditional Osteopathy (Biodynamics) in the World;
3. Mastering technologies of method with the possibility of internship during training with real patients by the supervision of experienced teachers;
4. Ability to provide osteopathic help more patients with a variety of health problems – an opportunity to expand your customer base;
5. To perfect yourself at subsequent seminars and master-classes of the Pediatric school of Traditional Osteopathy improving your qualification;
the certificate confirming the passed after each seminar by the Bavarian Pediatric School (Germany)
the diploma of the School of Traditional Osteopathy “The Breath of Life» James Jealous D.O. (USA), after successfully passing a full 3-years course at the last final seminar in Ashland, Oregon, USA
Language of the seminar: English (professional translation into Russian)
Participation in the seminar – only according to preliminary registration!
Learn from the masters and have knowledge from the custodians of the traditions in Osteopathy!
Participation in the seminar – only according of prepayment!
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