The Osteopathic Medical Centre “DOCTOR GRAN” offers non-medicamentous, safe and painless treatment for adult patients:
Problems with spine: headache, pain in spine, neck, back, waist, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis, intervertebral rupture, osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis, intervertebral disc protrusions, radiculitis, compression of a sciatic nerve (sciatica), intercostal neuralgia, extremity numbness.
Disorders of different aetiology in functioning of locomotor system.
Diseases of joints: arthritis, arthrosis, etc.
Cardiovascular diseases, stenocardia, arrhythmia.
Diseases of internal organs: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, intestinal colic, constipations, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, chronic appendicitis, hepatitis, cystitis, peritoneal commissures, initial phase of a diabetes.
Immunity disorders: heightened subject to infectious diseases.
ENT diseases: chronic rhititises, antritises, frontal sinusitises, laryngitis.
Disorders in functioning of nervous system: neuroses, depressions, irritability, fears, anxiety, emotional instability, tearfulness, bad mood, headaches, deterioration of memory and attention, sleep disorders, depression of sexual functions.
Heightened meteosensitiveness (meteodependence) and heightened sensitivity to Moon phases.
Various forms of addiction: alcoholic, narcodependence, smoking, overuse of caffeine, of sweets and so on.
Female disorders: pains in a pelvis and a loin, chronic inflammatory processes of appendages, adherent process in a small basin, painful menstruations, cycle disturbances, hormonal disturbances, the frigidity, some forms of infertility. Preparation for pregnancy and childbirth.
Supporting of pregnancy and treatment: toxicoses, dorsodynias and so on.
The postnatal period:restoring after birth, normalization of lactation process.
Male disorders: prostatitis, adenoma of a prostate gland, impotence.
And many other diseases.
The Osteopathic Medical Centre “DOCTOR GRAN” offers special programs for cosmetology and weight normalization.
With each year more and more people turn to alternative methods…
The basis of osteopathy is manual methods of influence…
Osteopathy is used even for pronounced pain syndrome…
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